Owl Surveys

Owl Surveys


Tracy Aviary’s community science team studies birds in about a dozen parks and natural areas around Salt Lake. Because owls are elusive and nocturnal, they are difficult to survey using our traditional bird survey methods. Instead, we lead groups of volunteers on nighttime surveys where we walk through the site and stop periodically to play owl calls and listen for any responses by resident owls. These surveys help us learn more about how owls use their habitat in urban areas and along the Jordan River.

Owl walks take place weekly from mid-February to May. This is a family-friendly project appropriate for children ages 12 yrs and older. RSVP required.


Owls of Salt Lake

Western Screech Owl – Búho californiano

Great Horned Owl – Búho americano

Short-Eared Owl – Búho campestre

Burrowing Owl – Mochuelo de Madriguera 

Northern Saw-Whet Owl – Mochuelo Cabezón

Barn Owl – Lechuza Común

Long-Eared Owl – Búho chico 

Flammulated Owl  – Autillo flamulado

Project Partners

Our project partners include the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, Salt Lake City Public Lands, Salt Lake City Public Utilities, Seven Canyons Trust, the Jordan River Commission, River Restoration, and Salt Lake County.


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