January 2 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Diné bizaad ʼéí bídahoołʼaah doo nantł’ahgo danohsingóó Tracy aviarydi nihaa dookah! Neʼádooneʼé bee dahodoołnih dóó ʼákwíígíí deídóołtah dóó ʼakʼeʼelchihjí bídahwiidiilʼááł! Tʼáadoo leʼé dinékʼehjí bee ʼídahooʼaahígíí ʼéí nidadíníitaał!
If you’re interested in learning Diné bizaad (Navajo language) drop into our introductory class here at the Tracy Aviary! Learn to introduce yourself, learn to count, and learn to write! Letʼs see where this language learning journey takes us!
Registration is required. Learn more and register by clicking the button below.