Event Series Nature Walk

Nature Walk

Join our nature center team for a relaxed walk on the Jordan River! Each week will feature a different focus- insects, birds, mammals, and more!

Baile for the Great Salt Lake

Join Plumas Colectiva & the Nature Center at Pia Okwai for our 2nd "Baile for the Great Salt Lake" Plumas Colectiva is hosting a fundraiser & arts event highlighting Black, Indigenous, & People of Color (BIPOC) and our connections to the Great Salt Lake!

Event Series Nature Walk

Nature Walk

Join our nature center team for a relaxed walk on the Jordan River! Each week will feature a different focus- insects, birds, mammals, and more!

UPIHC Spring Block Party

Join us for Utah Pacific Islander Health Coalition - UPIHC’s Spring Block Party for a multi collaborative community event!

Event Series Nature Walk

Nature Walk

Join our nature center team for a relaxed walk on the Jordan River! Each week will feature a different focus- insects, birds, mammals, and more!

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