Play, learn, and grow as a family!
The goal of Family Nature Club is to provide the tools, knowledge, and skills families need to play, laugh, and grow together. Each meet-up will include a unique nature-based activity and plenty of time to get to know one another in a safe environment.
- Meetings occur on the first and third Saturdays of the month, 3 – 4 p.m.
- Participation is free and coming regularly earns your family prizes!
- Family Nature Club will be held rain or shine. If weather doesn’t permit outside activities, we will have an alternative indoor activity.
Upcoming Dates:
12/7 – Tree Cookie Ornament Making
12/21- NO FAMILY NATURE CLUB. Happy Holidays!
1/4 – Snow Day (alternative indoor activity: Science day)
1/18 – Winter Duck Birding (alternative indoor activity: pine cone feeders)
2/1 – Making Nature Valentines (same if bad weather)
Family Nature Club will return March 1