Eurasian Eagle-Owl

Population Status
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Eurasian Eagle-Owl

Bubo bubo



Diet consists of mammals and other birds, occasionally reptiles, fish, and insects. They hunt during the night. They are silent hunters and use their keen eyesight and hearing to locate prey, and sharp talons for capture.


Prefers open forests, but can be found in a variety of habitats.


Nesting occurs on cliff ledges, rock crevices, and in caves. May use abandoned nests of other large birds. Some found to just nest on the Clutch size ranges from 2 to 6 eggs, laid throughout 3 days. Incubation lasts around 35 days by the female, while male provides food. Chicks are covered in whitish- gray down. They move out of their nest after 5 weeks, and begin flying at 7 weeks, becoming independent at 20 weeks. 

Did you know?

Ear tufts of feathers, also called plumicorns, are used for camouflage to look like a tree/stick, or for body language as they can move them.

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