Guam Kingfisher

Population Status
Explore Our Birds & Nature

Guam Kingfisher

Todiramphus cinnamominus



Eats large insects, crustaceans, and lizards. It forages from exposed perches, and swoops down to capture its prey.


Historically, this species inhabited the island of Guam, favoring woodlands and limestone forest areas for feeding.


Nests in a tree cavity, which is excavated by both the male and female. Little is known about incubation and fledging in the wild. In human care, incubation is 23-25 days, and fledging occurs 31-33 days later.

Did you know?

The Guam kingfisher calls at about the same time every morning with such regularity that, according to local belief, the bird can be used to tell time.

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